Indeed, the spendthrifts are brothers of Satan, and Satan was ungrateful to his Lord.
Adhikr is the Best Mercy and Bounty of Lord. So one should give importance in reminding the close relatives first. It is commanded to Messenger and believer through verse 26: 214: “And you warn your closest kindred with Adhikr”. Through verse 66: 6 believers are commanded to shield their family and themselves from the Fire. The wrongdoers who have lost their family and themselves in the Hereafter will have the everlasting punishment as told in verse 42: 45. Indeed, nobody is guiding anyone whom they love, but Allah guides whom He wishes, and He knows the best who are following the Guidance as explained in verse 2: 272. Since Lord has given the freedom either to be grateful or ungrateful, the believer will not force anyone for belief.
So the believer will not consider whether the needy is a believer or not in the case of charity. It is told in verses 76: 8-9 about the character of virtuous people: “And they feed the food to the indigents, orphans, and captives even though they need it. They will say in heart: “Indeed we are feeding you seeking Lord Allah’s presence only; we are not intending rewards or any thanks from you”. Giving their rights includes not only giving charity but also keeping up their pride, chastity, property, etc. See explanation 2: 168-169; 7: 27 and 16: 90-91.